The Reason Song Upload Options Vary Between Songwriter & Artist Accounts
Songwriter Account
Songwriter Accounts allow Mp3 and WAV audio uploads. The idea is that the quality of the file is not as important on the Songwriter Account because the song audio can be more of a "demo" in Mp3 quality. Songwriters just need to be able to let Artists and Publishers hear what the song sounds like. These audio files are not intended to be heard by fans. Mp3's have a smaller file size which saves Rhythmic Rebellion money on storage cost, but if you're signing up as both a Songwriter and an Artist, you only need to upload a song's WAV file once!
Artist Account
Artist Accounts require WAV files. We automatically convert these WAVS to Mp3. FLAC files (although FLAC files are not as commonly used today) are also permitted. Artist Accounts are where the fans interact, so we want to provide options for the Artist to give fans higher quality audio files. We require an Mp3 for streaming. Streaming an Mp3 is less expensive than streaming a WAV or FLAC file and if your internet connection is not great, streaming a WAV or FLAC might cause buffering. Fans have the option to download WAV's or FLAC files when they purchase the Artist's music. So we suggest that in addition to attaching a WAV to your Song Recording Title inside your Artist Account, to also attach a FLAC file.