Convert Your Audio File Format

Software Options

If you need to convert an Mp4, WAV, or other file type to an Mp3 or other file type, you can use iTunes and follow these instructions: Convert Music File Formats

Windows or Mac users can give this software a try: Audacity

Other online recording and mixing solutions: Soundation

It's important to note that if you are recording voice memos on your iPhone as your Audio Add-Ons (song intros, etc.) that the iPhone records these as Mp4 and they will need to be edited and converted to mp3.

Using GarageBand

If you have a Mac, you can use GarageBand.

1. Load your audio file into an audio track.
2. Click Share, then select Export Song to Disk.3. The create a name for the file, select where you want to save this file, choose the type of file you want to export (like Mp3) and select the quality

4. Click Export to create your new audio file!

Using Logic

1. Load your audio file into an audio track (or drag & drop).

2. If you are converting your Mp4 iPhone voice memos to be used for your Audio Add-Ons, be sure to cut off dead time in the beginning or end of the track and create audio fades to avoid any audio clipping.

3. Highlight the audio file you just edited. Go to File > Bounce > Project or Section

Some Logic users have their own presets using the yellow Loop function in the top bar. If this is how you work, create a loop that's the length of the audio file you're exporting.

4. Under destination, choose MP3. Note that your Mono Bit Rate needs to be half of your Stereo Bit Rate.

Note about Mp3 files: There are a variety of versions of Mp3's - not all of them work with our system.
Your Mp3 needs to have a stereo bitrate no higher than 320 kbps and not lower than a bitrate of 192 kbps.

5. Note that before clicking OK, you can choose to export in Realtime (where the entire track you're exporting will play back to you as it bounces) or Offline (much quicker, bounces without playback). If you choose to bounce Offline, always be sure to double check your work and listen to the bounced file to check for any errors before you upload it to your Rhythmic Rebellion site. Click OK and choose where you want to save the file!