Fan Engagement

First, let's explore the purpose of this feature.

Your fans want to engage with you and participate. This feature gives you to power to ask your fans to share photos and images of the merch they purchased, their pets, family, friends or whatever. You place the feature on your website, the fan will need to download the RR app if they haven't, then they will go to the Fan Engagement Feature (FE) in the app where they can upload content. This content shows up in your Fan Engagement Management Center where you can review the content and approve it to be seen in the Feed Feature that you also place on your website.

The upload only works from the RR app. If the fan has not downloaded the app, they will see the download buttons when viewing your webpage and the FE feature. If they have downloaded the app, they will see an "upload" button like you see the image below. This will open the app to the correct place inside your App Artist Profile.

Create A Fan Engagement Campaign

To create your first Fan Engagement Campaign, go to the Fans tab at the top, then Fan Engagement. Click the Add New Campaign button.

  1. Fill out the opened form. It has only one required field that is called "Title", but it will be best if you tell your fans why they need to upload their files in the Description section. Select an image as the campaign cover. Or even better, use a video to explain your goal! 
  2. Then decide what kind of content you need from your fans. You can ask for videos, audio and image at once, or check just some of these checkboxes (at least one box must be checked). 
    1. Note: There are certain limitations for fans. One fan is allowed to upload 3 Video files up to 2 minutes each, 3 mp3 files up to 4 minutes each and 3 jpg images up to 4 MB each. 

    2. Plus, you can set that all files uploaded by fans will automatically be moved to assets without your review.
  3. Don't forget to Save the campaign!

Site Builder

  1. After creating a Fan Engagement Campaign, go to the Site Builder and set up the Fan Engagement feature. All active campaigns will be displayed in the list.

  2. Pick one of available campaigns and select a View size of small, medium or large.  

  3. Then you can configure the font and text color for the title and description.

  4. Configure the Buttons for their background and hover settings.

  5. Then you can adjust some other settings that are common like the Background color, Rounding or Border.
  6. The feature you create may look something like this when fans open your site:
    1. in a browser on desktop. Here they can see already uploaded by them files by clicking "View Your Uploads" button in case they are logged in. In order to share their content with the artist fans need to download RR app if they haven't yet by hitting the Download on the App Store button on their iPhone or Get on Google Play button on an android phone.

    2. in a browser on mobile. If a fan has installed the RR app, then the Upload button just launches the app and opens the same campaign in the app. Otherwise, a fan is navigated to the App Store or Google Play depending on their device OS. When the app has been installed, the respective Fan Engagement campaign is opened.

How Fans Will Upload Their Content

Fans will see your Fan Engagement campaign on the Artist profile screen inside RR app if this campaign meets the following conditions:

  • the campaign is created and active. It means that you have created the campaign on the creator site and the respective toggle is On;
  • you placed the Fan Engagement feature on your artist site and published the site.

Fans may swipe left to see all available campaigns or hit "More" button. To see the details of each feature they just need to tap on the thumbnail that presents the campaign. Here your followers will see the reason why you need to collect their content and what type of files can be uploaded. They may hit the button at the bottom to start uploading a file if they haven't yet or use the Upload icon at the top right corner to see all available options to select from.

When a fan uploads a file, they can also leave a short text message to you.

The Filter icon allows to review what files have been uploaded and when.

Where To Find Files Uploaded by Fans

All files uploaded by fans within the fan engagement campaign can be found by following the link placed on the card. 

There you will filter files by Fans, Audio, Image or Video. By Fans filter is the default, so here you will see the list of all fans and their emails who shared files with you.

Action menu allows to preview files before moving them into the respective asset or remove it at all. All files that are moved into the assets have the airplane icon in the Moved files to assets column. It is possible to move files one by one or in a bunch with the Move all files to assets button.

It worth to mention, that fan's files can be auto-approved and moved into the assets automatically if you enabled Auto-move function when created a campaign.

The Preview action let you not only to see or hear what a fan has uploaded but also to read a message left while uploading a file. This comment will be shown to the community if you decide to add the Fan feed on your site.

Fan's nickname and address is also placed there.

How You Can Use Files Uploaded by Fans

When you moved fans uploaded files into assets, you can find them in the Audio, Photos or Videos menu. Each such file is marked by the airplane icon, by dwelling on which you will see more details, like on this screen.

Audio files can be used as creative addons for your songs.

After you gather photos and videos from your fans, the most exciting and favorite that are moved to Photos or Videos assets may be shown in the social feed on your site. See details here.

In addition you can use fan's files as your fantastic album cover or for creating a new inspiring posts.