Share Button Feature

The Share Button feature helps you and your fans share your pages on to any social media. Note that when you place this button on a specific page, it is that specific page that will be shared to Facebook or Instagram, and it is that specific page that will be copied to the clipboard to share. The image for each page will either be our default RR logo or the image from your Account Profile (if an image is uploaded).

To Add A Share Button

To add a Share Button to your website, select the Features panel, and drag the Share Button feature down onto your page. Now you can begin customizing your Feature settings!

1. The Button setting allows you to adjust the icon color, hover color, and its position. Change the background color and background hover color to match icon colors

The feature shape can be rounded by dragging the slider at the top of the background section.

2. Icon Colors (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) display with native colors by default, but you can easily adjust their colors with the Custom Color radio button selected, where you can also change the color hover for icons.
3. Add a Border to one or all of the edges of the feature. Adjust the size of the border with this slider and select a color for the border using the preselected color palette, or select a custom color by adding it to the available colors panel. You can also add a hover color that will change when a fan hovers their mouse over this feature.  

4. Add a box Shadow to your feature. Adjust the position of the shadow using the X and Y coordinates, and customize the blur, color, and opacity