Video Feature
Video Transcription
To add a video to a page of your website, click open the Features panel and drag the Video feature to your canvas. Use the Select Videos menu to choose a video from your media library.
Videos can be uploaded while in your Asset Manager.
Learn your options for your YouTube videos here:
You can resize the video by using the handles around the Video feature. The Feature Box will scale proportionally based on the dimensions of the video you have selected.
Open the View menu and select the features you would like to use. You can add or remove the title and description, change the font and color of the title and description, and adjust the background color using the pre-selected color palette.
Backgrounds can be either a solid color or a linear gradient.
Add Borders to any or all of the sides of the Video feature like this. Adjust the size of the border with this slider, and select a color for the border using the preselected Color Palette, or the Custom Color Picker. You can also adjust the Border Color Hover when someone hovers over your Video.
Finally, you can add a Box Shadow to your Video feature. Adjust the position of the shadow, the amount of blur, the color, and the opacity.