
Add and update products for your Merch Store - offer your fans a chance to directly support your work by creating and selling custom merchandise that represents your brand!

To create a new product, click the blue Add New Product button at the top of the page and fill out the form. 

Let's review all the fields to make sure your product is created correctly.

Product Type

Select Product contains music if you want to create a cassette, CD, vinyl, etc. based on the previously created digital album or song. The selected album or song will be displayed on the product page automatically.

Choose the corresponding type of product you want to create (ie: cassette, CD, vinyl, etc.)

After choosing the product type you will be asked if you have a digital version built into your Artist Account.

You can browse through all the published content (both albums and songs) and link the desired content to your physical product.

You can also leave this dropdown in its default state: "There is no digital version of this product" if you do not have the corresponding digital version.

After selecting the desired album/song, a small green checkmark will appear at the bottom left corner next to the text "Include digital album or single with the purchase of this item."

It is enabled by default, but you can turn It off if you do not want to sell the digital version of your product with this item.

Product Name & Product Description

The product name and description are the most basic and common fields needed to post a product. Good product descriptions help educate customers on the key benefits, features, and unique value proposition your products have. A solid product description can drive sales by convincing and inspiring customers to support your work.

Having accurate product descriptions help lower refund rates and build customer trust so they return for new offerings on your website store.

Main Image & Additional Images

Here you can select or upload images for your products. A good photo goes a long way towards fans and customers buying your merchandise. We highly recommend attaching a photo of at least 600 x 600 pixels for the image dimensions. Try to avoid loading images with different ratios so that your store looks clean and consistent. You can use images that you've already uploaded ( My and Shared), select images from the RR library (General) or click the blue Upload button to select an image from your computer. 

Specialty Product

Is this a specialty Item? Examples include Meet and Greet, Happy Birthday Video, Private Virtual Concert, Sign Album, CD, or Poster.

By enabling this toggle, the item will be automatically placed into the new Specialty category for filtering on the Store page.


Set the price of your product here. The currency we support is USD. 


How do pre-orders work?
Setting a date / time you are going to start selling and shipping a product has a lot of benefits:

  • Your customers know when to expect their products.
  • They have a guaranteed immediate shipment on release.
  • You know the demand as orders come in.
  • You can order the exact amount of the product that is needed.
  • You can be assured of a minimum number of sales.
  • High pre-order sales can be used to increase and predict future sales.

All you need to do is define the pre-order price, date, and time.

To see pre-ordered products you have sold, go to the Orders tab on the left side in your Merch Store and open the Pre-Orders tab.


Select a shipping type from the list or select No shipping needed for items such as digital goods & services. You can always update shipping costs as needed or create new shipping preferences in your Merch Store Shipping Preferences menu.

Use the checkbox to additionally collect the phone number if it is needed. If a product requires delivery, a fan's phone number is collected automatically.

Additional Information From Fan

You can ask a customer for additional information to be provided when the product is purchased. This could be a name for a signed T-Shirt, birthday or anniversary wish for a specialty product. Explain exactly what information you need to receive from the fan.

UPC (Universal Product Code)

Add a UPC (Universal Product Code) tracking number to identify the product and to gather and track sales information.

SKU (Stock Keeping Unit)

Add the SKU if you need to identify products and track inventory. For artists that don't have as much merchandise to sell, having a SKU number for each product is not essential but is good for tracking inventory over time. Typical SKU numbers are denoted with 6 digits (000-000) but you can define a SKU in any way you need to track your specific inventory of products.


Here you can manage  parameters for your product like size, color, etc. and define their values. The first parameter card helps you identify default parameters, like color and size, or you can add your own parameters. On this card you should also select or type in the related values and quantities.

Click the New Parameters button to define additional values of initial parameters and adjust the available quantity of products you have for sale.

To understand more on how to create multiple sizes, colors, and other parameters: Review the top of the image below. I have created 10, small black t-shirts. In the bottom section I created 6, large black t-shirts. To add a medium size I would click on New Parameters at the bottom and it will add a new window where I can select Size and M, the color black, and add the quantity available.

You need to do this for each size. If you have this size in multiple colors you would need another for each color. So, if you have a t-shirt that comes in 3 sizes and 3 colors for each size, you would have created 9 of these boxes where I have 2.

Don't forget to SAVE your product!

When you first add a product, we automatically create a Store page in your Site Builder. It will be shown in the Menu Feature. As this page is automatically created, it won't be shown in the Pages list, but you can view it by navigating to the Store page in your Site Builder menu and selecting Preview Page.

What's Next?

  • Check the Products you want to sell to make them available.
  • Go to your Site Builder and add the Store Feature as a promo to your home page!
  • Check the view of your Merch Store page in the Site Builder.
  • Publish your site and share this news with your fans!