Automatic Discounts


There are times like holidays when offering discounts on all or a specific group of your products is a good idea. Automatic Discounts allow you to create a set of rules to launch manageable sale campaigns taking into account needed products, discount amount, and the duration of the sale. 

Automatic Discounts Location

Go to Store in the top menu, Gift Codes on the left menu, then Automatic Discounts at the top of the page.

Create An Automatic Discount

Click the blue Create Discount button to being creating an Automatic Discount Campaign.

The utility bar consists of:

  • Filter - to display discount campaigns according to their statuses:
    • All
    • Active - The campaign that is active right now (only one campaign can be active at the same time).
    • Scheduled - the campaigns scheduled in the future.
    • Expired - for already expired discount campaigns.
  • Sort by - allows you to sort data by the following fields: 
    • Name
    • Start Date
    • End Date

The table contains all of the information for discount campaigns.

It displays data concerning all past, present, and future Automatic Discount Campaigns that have already been created. The following fields are displayed for every campaign:

  • Automatic Discount Campaign Name - the name of the specific campaign.
  • Start Date - the date and time when this particular campaign was started or will be started.
  • End Date - the date and time when this particular campaign was ended or will be ended.
  • Status - represents the current status of the discount campaign.
    • Expired - for already expired discount campaigns.
    • Active - the campaign that is currently active.
    • Scheduled - the campaigns scheduled for a future date.
  • Edit / Delete icons
  • Check the prices button - opens the page with discounted prices for the current automatic discount campaign

NOTE: You can not create a Discount Campaign that intersects or overlaps the date / time of another Campaign.

NOTE: Only one Automatic Discount can be active at a time.

Create / Edit Form

Discount Name - the name for the artist’s promotional / sales campaign. This name is displayed within the store item when added to the cart.

Start Date -  the ‘date and time picker’ which allows you to select the start date and time for the current Discount Campaign.

Expiration Date - the ‘date and time picker’ which allows choosing the end date/time for the current discount/sale campaign

NOTE: Please keep in mind that you can only have one active Campaign at a time and you can not create a Discount Campaign that intersects or overlaps the date / time of another Campaign.

Grey dates in the date picker indicate that these days have already been taken by another Discount Campaign you've previously created.

Discount Groups

You can configure several Discount Groups with different discount amounts even if there are several store items included in all of these groups. The system will automatically apply the discount from the group with the highest priority. The priority is calculated by a simple rule according to the Applies to radio button selected: from ‘All’ (lowest priority) to ‘Store Item’ (highest priority). 

Example: You configured 3 groups with different discount rates.

  • 1st group has a 10% discount value which applies to all your store items.
  • 2nd group has a 20% discount value which applies only to the type: Products.
  • 3rd group has a 50% discount value which applies to one specific store item.

As a result, all your store items will have a 10% discount except for those labeled with the type: Products - the store items with type: Products will have a 20% discount except for one particular item selected in the 3rd discount group which will have a 50% discount.

Besides the priority, there's an additional rule to disable selection of already selected (previous groups) store items, categories, and types. And of course, the system won't allow two ‘All’ groups.
So, if you've already configured the Group with All Items, the next group created will have the “All“ radio button disabled and the “Type“ will be the one selected by default.
If you’ve already configured Groups for all Types of products - the “Type“ will be disabled for the next group. This works the same for Categories and Store Items.

Discount Value - the percentage amount which will be applied as a discount rate to the current group.

Applies To - modified item picker, with new ability to choose all products and specific products (including categories), required.

  • All - the default value, all store items will be affected by discount configured within this group (lowest priority).
  • Type - displays the dropdown with Product Types (bundle, product, digital album, etc.). Multiple-choice is supported, and chosen types are displayed as tags. Discount applies to every item of the chosen type.
  • Category - displays the dropdown with Categories (bundle, product, digital album, etc.). Multiple-choice is supported, and chosen types are displayed as tags. Discount applies to every item within the chosen categories.

NOTE: if different Categories incorporate the same store items, the highest discount value will prevail.

  • Store Items - standard item picker with the ability of multiple-choice (highest priority).

Add Discount Group button - clicking on this button will add the additional Discount Group to be configured within the current Automatic Discount Campaign.

Check the Prices button - opens the page with the exact store items chosen for all of the discount groups.

The list includes original prices and the calculated sales prices.

It is possible to use a Gift Code and Discount simultaneously, but only the highest discount will be applied. 

Don't forget to click the Save button for your current Discount Campaign!

Discount Application

Any item affected by the currently active Discount Campaign store item will display the old price with a strikethrough (see the $41.00 in the image below) and the new discounted price above it with a green 'new sale bubble' next to the new price. The same behavior is applied to the Product Details Page and all other applicable places.