Safe Zone On Website Builder
What is the Safe Zone on the Website Builder? Why is it important?
On the top of website builder there is a message that says, "Using the Safe area between the red lines will ensure your content will not be cut off on tablets and smaller screens".
It's difficult to create a drag & drop website builder that can respond to all screen sizes. If we used the "blocks" method it would be easy, but the drag & drop builder gives you much more flexibility. The downside is that it doesn't respond as well to all screen sizes. (This does not apply to mobile version, as our software reformats the layout on mobile devices for you and allows for further customization!)
However, this doesn't mean you can't use the area outside the safe zone... read below to learn more!
You can use the area outside the safe zone as long as you ensure the important information from your website is inside the safe zone.
Pictures & Videos
You can make pictures and videos as big as you want on your page, just make sure that the important parts of the media are in the safe zone. Imagine that the picture or video might be cropped off outside the safe zone on some smaller screen devices; if the crop is ok and nothing important is lost, then there's nothing to worry about!
The image below has a Block Feature as a background with an image selected for the Block, then a Tour Feature placed inside the Block Feature. This Block was stretched across the screen outside the safe zone, but the Tour content is still inside the safe zone. This image looks better on larger screens as it appears to fans that your site fills the width of their desktop screen. Below, a Block Feature was used as a background with a Text Feature and Social Media Sharing Feature inside. The Block has a color background made translucent (low opacity) so you can see through it. It spreads across the desktop screen and adds additional color, filling the width of the screen.